Sunday, May 3, 2015

Some bizarre Asian Foods

1. Chicken Feet

Chicken feet are a part of the chicken that is cooked in many Asian countries such are China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam. Most of the edible tissue on the feet consists of skin and tendons, with no muscle. This gives the feet a distinct texture different from the rest of the chicken's meat. 
2. Fugu

"Fugu" (blowfish) is famous even among the Japanese as a high class food item. Because it contains poison in its internal organs, only chefs with a special license are allowed to prepare it. 
3. Sannakji (live octopus tentacles)
Sannakji is a a small octopus that has been cut into small pieces and served immediately, usually lightly seasoned with sesame and sesame oil. The nakji pieces are usually still squirming on the plate. It can also be served whole.
4. Blood Pudding
Blood Pudding ot tiết canh  is a traditional dish of blood and cooked meat in northernVietnamese cuisine. The most popular is tiết canh vịt,made from raw duck blood and duck meat. The dish is made from fresh blood from pork, chicken or duck that mixed with meat and herbs. Also, blood pudding is usually served cold with a texture like jelly in order to reduce the strong smell of the fresh blood. 

1 comment:

  1. I have actually eaten the "live" octopus when I was stationed in Korea. You have to be careful though. If you don't chew it well, the tentacles can latch on to your windpipe.
